Removing references to the demolition of the Babri Masjid in Ayodhya, the killing of Muslims in the Gujarat and Hindutva riots, and amending the reference to the merger of Manipur with India are among the latest revisions made public by the National Research Council and Educational Training (NCERT). ) in its

While NCERT did not comment on the topics that were removed, officials said the adjustments are part of routine updating and are not linked to the development of new books under the New Curriculum Framework (NCF). The changes were made to the 11th and 12th grade Political Science textbooks, among others. According to a document detailing the changes prepared by the NCERT syllabus writing committee, references to the Ram Janmabhoomi movement have been changed “according to the latest political developments”.

Chapter 8 on Secularism in the class 11 textbook earlier said: “Over 1,000 people, mostly Muslims, were massacred during the post-Godhra riots in Gujarat in 2002.”

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