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The country’s most prestigious Civil Services Examination 2024 preliminary examination by the Union Public Service Commission will be held on Sunday at 99 centers in the district. 44063 candidates are registered for the exam. There is a general studies paper from 930 to 1130 in the first shift and CSAT paper from 230 to 430 in the second shift. A total of 100 questions will be asked in the first question paper from history, geography, polity, economy, environment and ecology, general science, current affairs etc. A meeting of the police administration was held regarding the examination. Guidelines were given regarding security arrangements in the meeting.

On the other hand, the second question paper C-SAT will have a total of 80 questions of 10th standard level Mathematics, Reasoning and Comprehension. To conduct the examination in a fair manner, five senior IAS officers have been given the responsibility of supervisor. Apart from this, one Local Inspecting Officer (LIO) and 34 Sector Magistrates have been appointed at all the centers. Jammers will be installed at each center to prevent misuse of mobile or other electronic devices. Experts have advised to fill the series of the question paper and other information on the OMR sheet very carefully. Also, fill the circles for the answers of the questions very carefully as per the instructions. After the first paper is over, do not discuss the answers of the questions with anyone. Take rest after having lunch and focus only on the CSAT paper to be held in the second shift.

Special things

● There is negative marking in both question papers.

● The centre gate will be closed 30 minutes before the start of the exam

● Candidates can carry normal watches in the examination hall. Smart watches are prohibited.

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