Heavy thunderstorms with light rain are forecast in several areas of Rajasthan in the coming days, according to the meteorological departmentreported the PTI.

Some parts of Rajasthan, including Kota, Jaipur, Bharatpur and Udaipur divisions, are likely to be affected by strong winds at a speed of 30 to 40 km per hour in the next two to three days, according to the Jaipur Meteorological Centre. . PTI.

There is also the possibility of thunderstorms accompanied by light rain.

Similar weather conditions are forecast at isolated places in Jodhpur, Bikaner and Ajmer divisions from April 10 to 11, the weather office said, according to PTI.

Due to activation of fresh strong western disturbance from April 12 to 13, there will be increased thunderstorm activities in the state resulting in strong winds of 40 to 60 km per hour at some places in Jodhpur, Bikaner , Ajmer and Kota. , Jaipur and Bharatpur on April 13 and 14, the news agency reported on Tuesday.

The meteorological department said some parts of Jodhpur and Bikaner divisions recorded maximum temperatures of 40 to 42 degrees Celsius, two to three degrees above normal.

India likely to experience normal monsoon: Skymet

Meanwhile, India is expected to experience a “normal” monsoon between June and September this year, according to private weather forecasting agency Skymet, ANI reported on Tuesday.

Skymet said monsoon rainfall is expected to reach 102 percent of the long period average (LPA) of 868.6 mm for the four-month period.

From June to September there will be above normal rainfall in the central and western parts. There will be normal rainfall in northern and southern parts and below normal rainfall in northeast India and eastern parts, the weatherman said, according to ANI.

The ‘Monsoon Forecast 2024’ report suggests that India will experience favorable rainfall in the southern, western and northwestern regions of India. Center monsoon Rainfed areas like Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh are expected to receive adequate rainfall, ANI reported.

However, eastern states including Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha and West Bengal face the risk of rainfall deficit during the peak monsoon months, while northeast India may experience below-normal rainfall in the first half of the season. There will be above normal rainfall in Kerala, Konka, Karnataka and Goa, and normal rainfall in central areas, Skymet said, the news agency further reported.

“The significant transition from Super El Niño to strong La Niña has historically tended to produce a decent monsoon,” said Jatin Singh, MD, Skymet.

Jatin Singh said, “However, the monsoon season may begin with a risk of deterioration, attributable to the lingering effects of El Nino. The second half of the season will have an overwhelming advantage over the primary phase,” according to ANI.

(with PTI and ANI inputs)

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