Two police officers from Yerawada police station in Pune were suspended on Friday for alleged dereliction of duty in connection with the Pune car accident in which a 17-year-old boy driving a Porsche ran over and killed two people in the early hours. on May 19. , reported PTI.

Inspector Rahul Jagdale and police sub-inspector Vishwanath Todkari were suspended for “late reporting” and “negligence in the line of duty”, additional commissioner of police Manoj Patil said.

The accident case was registered at Yerwada police station following the car accident in Kalyani Nagar area of ​​the city.

Pune Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar had earlier in the day said in a press address that the internal investigation highlighted lapses on the part of police officials in registering the case.

He admitted there was a delay in collecting blood samples from the minor who had allegedly consumed alcohol in two pubs before the accident.

According to the commissioner, the accident occurred around 3 a.m. on Sunday, the blood samples were collected at 11 p.m., PTI reported.

Further, the offense was initially registered under section 304 (A) (death caused by negligence) of the IPC and later section 304 (culpable homicide not amounting to murder) was added, Kumar said.

Pune car accident: Commissioner Amitesh Kumar, ‘Efforts were made to frame the driver’

Amid rising public tension over the Pune car accident case, Pune Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar has assured that the victims will get justice and the accused will be punished. He said the minor accused was “in his right mind” at the time of the car accident in Pune and they are preparing a strong case against the accused, ANI reported.

Addressing the media on Friday about the Pune car accident, Kumar stated, “We are investigating the case thoroughly and with complete sensitivity. We are presenting an airtight case. Allegations of any preferential treatment given to the minor are being investigated by an ACP officer. of rank…The victim will get justice and the accused will be punished.”

According to the ANI report, stating that the victim will get justice and the accused of the Pune car accident will face punishment, he said, “We have started the process of appointing a special public prosecutor in the case so that our side remains firmly in the case. in court. The police are taking the strict route in handling this case.”

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