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The police who reached Jhansi to resolve the fight between two brothers got trapped themselves. First there was a fight between the two brothers but when the police arrived, both of them united and attacked. On receiving the information of property dispute between a constable and his brother in Bajrang Colony, the PRV reached there and both of them opened fire from their licensed rifles and set the PRV vehicle on fire. The force which reached on the information of the constables caught the constable on the spot, while his brother was arrested after an encounter. He has been shot in his leg.

Yogendra, a resident of Bajrang Colony of Nawab police station area, is posted as a constable in Mahoba. In Bajrang Colony, he had a dispute with his brother Surendra over property. A fight broke out between the two brothers over the house. On receiving information about this on Dial 112, PRB jawans reached the spot. On seeing the PRV, both the brothers together attacked the policemen. Both of them opened fire with licensed rifles. They started raining bullets on the policemen from the roof. As soon as the policemen started running away from there, they also burnt their car.

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According to the police, both the brothers also set the PRV vehicle on fire. On the information of PRV jawans, police officers reached the spot with a heavy force. Constable Yogendra was arrested on the spot. His brother Surendra did not come under the police’s grasp and fled from there. The force rushed to catch Surendra. The force surrounded the other brother Surendra who had fled in the forest behind the medical college. Surendra again fired at the police. After this, the police retaliated. Surendra was caught after he was shot in the leg. The police is investigating the matter.

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