Amazon MGM released the first trailer for the Celine Dion documentary, “I Am: Celine Dion.”

Offering a glimpse into the iconic singer’s life, the documentary sheds light on Dion’s battle with stiff person syndrome. After postponing several dates of her European tour in December 2022, Dion bravely revealed her diagnosis of the life-altering neurological disorder. Stiff person syndrome triggers spasms that impair his mobility and affect his ability to sing as before.

The trailer showcases a mix of archival footage and behind-the-scenes moments from Dion’s illustrious career. Viewers witness new interviews with the beloved singer, capturing her emotional journey as she faces the challenges posed by her diagnosis. In a heartbreaking moment, Dion cries as she reflects on her recent health problems.

“It’s not hard to make a show, you know? It’s hard to cancel a show,” he says in the trailer. “I’m working hard every day. But I have to admit it’s been a struggle. I miss it a lot. The people, I miss them. If I can’t run, I’ll walk. If I can.” “I don’t walk, I will crawl and I won’t stop.”

“I Am: Celine Dion” will be released on main video on June 25, offering viewers an intimate look at the life of this legendary artist.

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